Why your voice is a podcast voice

Published in
3 min readOct 10, 2019


I hate my voice. We hear it all the time. It’s a complaint that comes up in conversations with podcast creators. We’ve seen countless tweets that echo in agreement. We’ve gotten DMs. Support requests. My voice is too whiny. Too stuttery. Too annoying.

For many people, the sound of their voice is a real-life obstacle preventing them from starting a podcast in the first place. I want to, but I just can’t listen to myself. My voice is not a podcast voice.

Whether you’re thinking about starting a podcast or already have one, we wanted to provide a simple affirmation:

Every voice is a podcast voice.

If the sound of your own voice makes you uncomfortable, you’re not alone. In fact, there’s a scientific explanation for why you might start to cringe when you hear a recording of yourself. But no matter the cause of your self-consciousness, remember that there is no “right” way to sound when creating something. Your voice is unlike anyone else’s, and that’s exactly what makes it special.

Whether you have a podcast or are considering starting one, you have something to say. You have a story to tell that’s individual to you. Your ideas are markers of your unique identity, and they are worth sharing with the world. It’s the same with your voice. No matter how you sound, your voice is an intimate expression of emotion and a reflection of your singular perspective. It is a powerful vehicle for getting your ideas across, and it is true to who you are. So embrace it. There is no better way to tell your story, and there is no one better to tell it than you.

At Anchor, we believe that everybody is capable of creating amazing things if they have the right tools. Our mission to democratize audio is driven by the notion that every voice deserves the opportunity to be heard. That’s why we power podcasts in over 169 countries spoken in over 475+ languages. In this new canon of podcast voices, there are infinite possibilities of sound, speech, pitch, and rhythm — and we welcome them all. Because your voice speaks volumes — no matter where it comes from or how it sounds.

Your voice is valid. It is a way to connect with others and a tool for communicating who you are. It is always an asset — never an obstacle — and by sharing your voice with the world, you can inspire others to do the same.

We asked a few of our favorite podcasters about the dilemma of accepting your voice, and how they came to find their own. Here’s how they responded.

Tiny Leaps, Big Changes is personal development podcast hosted by Gregg Clunnis that explores day-to-day strategies for goal-setting and self-improvement. Clunnis says that accepting your voice is a matter of practice and perseverance. “Get the reps in” and “never take the time to judge yourself.” As long as you keep creating and putting things out there, positive feedback about your work will inevitably come — from others and from within.

Kristen and Ch(ill) is a comedy podcast hosted by Kristen Carney that discusses the struggles of everyday life with a bent towards depression and mental health. Kristen says that “finding your voice is like looking for sunglasses that are already on your head.” What makes you you is already in your possession. The key is learning to own it, without worrying about what others think.

For more inspiration and encouragement, here are some podcasts to help you stay positive on your creative journey:

Hey person with a podcast voice: ready to start your podcast? Try making something awesome with Anchor, the easiest way to make a podcast—for free. And as always, we’d love to hear your feedback, via email, Twitter, or Instagram.

